by becci | Dec 22, 2020 | Blog
I wonder what comes to your mind when you think about Perseverance. Normally my answer to that question would be running a marathon. This year though, I’ve been thinking about Olympic athletes. I’ve come to realise that getting ready for competing at an Olympic Games...
by becci | Dec 10, 2020 | Blog
When you think of Christmas, what first comes to mind? Maybe memories of family coming together, maybe it’s being at church or a carol service, maybe it’s putting up the tree or watching Christmas films. Maybe for you, when you think of Christmas it brings about sad...
by becci | Nov 30, 2020 | Blog
Do you ever wish you were a superhero and your magical power was to read people’s minds? Imagine being able to see stress levels so that you can make a difference enabling you to support individuals to be more peaceful. The majority of our stress levels come under one...
by becci | Nov 12, 2020 | Blog
We have all seen those punching machines at the arcade haven’t we? The more destructive the punch, the higher the score. This is one simple example where we are taught that gentleness will not help. Another situation that comes to mind, around being too gentle was...
by becci | Jul 15, 2019 | Blog
It was 6th July on a Saturday morning, 8.45am at Oasis Academy Shirley Park and the staff team were all raring to set up to get the annual Kick Tournament underway. The Tournament is in its 14th year and each year just seems to get bigger and better! This year...