
Perseverance – Spare a thought for the Olympians.

Perseverance – Spare a thought for the Olympians.

I wonder what comes to your mind when you think about Perseverance. Normally my answer to that question would be running a marathon. This year though, I’ve been thinking about Olympic athletes. I’ve come to realise that getting ready for competing at an Olympic Games...

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A Response to Peacefulness

A Response to Peacefulness

Do you ever wish you were a superhero and your magical power was to read people’s minds? Imagine being able to see stress levels so that you can make a difference enabling you to support individuals to be more peaceful. The majority of our stress levels come under one...

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The true strength of gentleness

The true strength of gentleness

We have all seen those punching machines at the arcade haven’t we? The more destructive the punch, the higher the score. This is one simple example where we are taught that gentleness will not help. Another situation that comes to mind, around being too gentle was...

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Patience is emotionally freeing

Patience is emotionally freeing

Have you ever had to wait on something for so long that you grew restless? Have you ever had to wait for something you thought might not even come? As Christians we find ourselves ‘waiting on God’ quite often. This can be so hard because we just want something when WE...

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Gods promises are UNBREAKABLE!

Gods promises are UNBREAKABLE!

What comes to your mind from just the word hope? It takes me back to my childhood. Those days when I was well behaved at school (few and far between) and I hoped that on my way home my parents would stop at a McDonald’s as my reward... Would my expectation be...

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